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Aires Mateus. Housing for the elderly. Alcacer do Sal. Portugal

June 28, 2012

Aires Mateus. Housing for the elderly. Alcacer do Sal. Portugal

The building is integrated into the existing urban setting and plays its part in the network of public spaces and local connections. This way the well-being of a section of the population which often tends to be isolated in homes far away from city life is guaranteed.
The project adds to an existing complex of charity facilities which include a hospital and with which this shares a network of free spaces. A total of 38 rooms are distributed in a white volume which starts from the hillside and weaves its way across the site setting out the collective outdoor spaces.







Batlle i Roig. Vilamarina Housing and Shopping Centre. Viladecans. Spain
Batlle i Roig. Vilamarina Housing and Shopping Centre. Viladecans. Spain
Density is Home. Projects index
Density is Home. Projects index
Density is Home
Density is Home


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